Leading Automotive Parts Producer

Industry: Automotive

Project Overview: Grantuity provided comprehensive business consulting services to a prominent automotive parts producer specializing in inverters, motors, and cooling solutions. Our primary objective was to secure substantial funding to support their research and development initiatives aimed at advancing new electrical motors and inverters.

Our Contribution: Grantuity’s team worked closely with the client to navigate the complex grant application process, focusing on:

  • Grant Opportunity Identification: Identifying the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) as a suitable grant program to support the client’s R&D efforts.
  • Proposal Development: Crafting a compelling grant proposal that highlighted the innovative aspects of the client’s projects and their potential impact on the automotive industry.
  • Financial Planning and Budgeting: Assisting in the preparation of detailed financial plans and budgets to demonstrate the feasibility and strategic alignment of the proposed projects with the grant’s objectives.
  • Application Submission and Follow-Up: Managing the entire application submission process, including all necessary follow-ups and communications with the grant provider.

Outcome: Grantuity’s efforts were instrumental in securing $100 million in funding for the client through the SIF grant. This substantial investment will enable the client to accelerate their R&D activities, driving innovation in the development of advanced electrical motors and inverters, and positioning them as a leader in the automotive industry.

Services Provided:

  • Grant Opportunity Identification
  • Proposal Development
  • Financial Planning and Budgeting
  • Application Submission and Follow-Up

Grantuity’s expertise in grant-related services has empowered our client to secure essential funding, ensuring the successful execution of their innovative R&D projects and reinforcing their competitive edge in the automotive market.